The Recreated Human Spirit


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Man died spiritually when he was separated from God. The Separation from God happened when man disobeyed God at the Garden of Eden. Jesus was born of the seed of God’s Word. As the spotless Lamb of God, only the blood of Jesus was adequate to atone for the sin of man. The atonement purchased with the blood of Jesus paid the price for the redemption of man.
The salvation and redemption purchased with the blood of Jesus was made available to anyone who accepts the finished works of Christ. The recreation of man’s spirit becomes effective when he accepts the Lordship of Jesus over his life. At the new birth the spirit of man is translated from the domain of darkness into the glorious kingdom of God’s dear Son, Jesus Christ.
The recreated human spirit is alive to God and enjoys the Fatherhood of God. The new man has the nature of God and is created in true holiness and righteousness. The new creation has no past and is a joint heir with Christ. The recreated spirit of man has eternal life.

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